☽◯☾NEW MOON IN TAURUS : Sensual Satisfaction :: ☽◯☾

☽◯☾NEW MOON IN TAURUS :: Sensual Satisfaction :: This a lovely lighter feel to the shifting stars + planets. A time to ground in our five senses. Be here. Now. It asks us to be thrilled with our surroundings, our homes, our sacred spaces. To take conscious time to beautify our rooms, our outdoors, ourselves. It is an exquisite indulgent time to cherish our sentimental belongings + ourselves with flowers, textures, scents, delectable foods + drink. A celebration of our time here now. Gather your closest + toast to the tangibility of life, giving thanks for all the beauty in your world, in our world. ☽◯☾feminasaga.com ☽◯☾
